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Cotton Candy on Stick
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 hello . . .

my name is Tatiana :)

T H E R E   A R E   A   L O T   O F   "H E A L T H   A D V O C A T E S" O U T   T H E R E...

(...a n d   h e r e’ s   w h a t   s e t s   m e   a p a r t)

90% of "wellness" influencers lack formal training or certification in health and wellness. Many self-proclaimed “experts” claim to know the secrets of essential oils, DIY cosmetic formulations, and the path to a healthy life.


It can be overwhelming to figure out who to trust when it comes to credible health information. And if you spend too much time questioning, you might even start to wonder if reliable advice is truly available online.


The solution is simple: L O O K   F O R   A C C R E D I T E D   P R O F E S S I O N A L S. And that’s exactly why you’re here — because you’ve found someone who truly understands the science and art of wellness.


As a certified aromatherapist, aromadermatologist, certified cosmetic formulator, and soap maker with years of formal training, I combine holistic healing with evidence-based practices to offer you the knowledge and tools for lasting wellness. I’m here to guide you confidently through the wellness world with expert advice you can trust.


I began my journey as a certified aromatherapist, and for many years, I've dedicated myself to learning as much as I can about the magical power of aromatherapy. My education didn’t stop at aromatherapy school — I expanded my knowledge by completing a wide range of continuing education courses at the Robert Tisserand Institute. I'm also proud to have earned a diploma in Aromadermatology, which has equipped me to work with skin conditions and help people understand the root causes of their skin issues.


Over time, I began receiving numerous requests from clients to create natural skincare products. While I had some foundational knowledge from my aromatherapy training, I realized it was limited. To deepen my expertise, I decided to take the next step and enrolled in the School of Natural Skincare in the UK, where I trained in professional cosmetic formulation.


I take my professionalism seriously, and I always say, "TALENT ALONE IS NOT ENOUGH — it must be backed by knowledge." I am committed to continuous education, as I firmly believe that everyone deserves access to professional, expert-level services.

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t h e r e   a r e   a   f e w   o f   m y   f a v o u r i t e   t h i n g s...

Natural Cosmetics

Cosmetic ingredients

lavender essential oil

Local lavender farm

Aromatic Oil

Canadian essential oil company

Homeopathic Medicine

Canadian homeopathy company

Essential Oils

My favourite essential oil company

Book and Coffee

Eco-friendly guide to clean your home

Herb Infused Oils

Ethically sourced skincare ingredients

Beauty Products

Cosmetic ingredients

s u s t a i n a b l e   l i v i n g ...

In recent years, I’ve become very serious about the things we buy, including holiday gifts. It’s not a joke that nearly 90% (or even more) of these items end up in places like Ghana or other third-world countries, on massive garbage dumps. We have more than we need, which is why, when we do need something — especially books, kids' clothing, toys, or household items — we always start by checking second-hand stores. I highly recommend making use of what we already have. Believe me,

A   S I N G L E   T O Y   C A N C I R C U L A T E   B E T W E E N   H O M E S   F O R   Y E A R S, serving multiple families along the way.

Colorful Wooden Toy Cars

Value Village is my first stop for kids toys & clothing

Kids Winter Outfit

Once Upon A Child is a unique store where you can find everything for your child

Garage Sale Sign

The Salvation Army is a unique store where you can find a great selection of household items

Wooden Furniture

Liquidation warehouses and stores are great places to find items at reduced prices. Just Google them in your area

DISCLAIMER: The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this website are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read or heard from this resource.

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